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Writer's pictureSilvie

My three best ways to beat fatigue symptoms after I sustained my concussion

Updated: Jan 10, 2024

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Fatigue after a concussion is definitely one of the hardest symptoms to deal with. I recently asked in a post on Instagram if you can get rid of one symptom, which one would it be? Around 70% responded: fatigue. There are a few things that help me when I have fatigue symptoms. I know it’s not a “real” concussion treatment but something I tried myself, so read further!

fatigue after concussion

Sign up for my free online masterclass: The 2 proven methods to drastically reduce concussion symptoms by 50% within 3 months. 

1. Taking a cold shower

I know, brrrr I hate it! But on the other hand, it helps me a lot, and I am always happy when I step out of the shower refreshed and with a clearer head. I learned that it’s most helpful to not just stand under a cold shower but to change it from hot to cold a few times. Don’t ask me what it’s doing exactly, but it activates the bloodstream way more than just one cold shower.

So, I always start by showering normally with hot water, then I make the water cold for 30 seconds and turn it on hot for 30 seconds, then again cold for 30 seconds, and so on. I think I do around five rounds and then I am done with it. Try it yourself and see if this works for you!

2. Doing interval training + Cognitive exercises

Interval training is something that really helps me in my concussion recovery. I didn’t do this in my first two years because I just didn’t know I would benefit this much from it. I learned doing those intervals at Cognitive FX, and I always feel such a difference when I do them and when I take a break from them.

There are 2 main reasons why interval training is so effective for people with a concussion:


Every time you do interval training, you get a boost of neurotransmitters, proteins, and oxygen in the brain.

All of those are helpful but the most helpful neurochemical for people with a concussion is the: Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF).

Interval training is by far the fastest and most efficient way to maximize a BDNF boost.


The fight-flight system and the "rest and digest" system are out of balance.

Intervals and the breathing exercises will help the rest system to become more active.

I spent over 10k to learn everything about the intervals and cognitive exercises (at Cognitive FX in Utah, a concussion clinic).

Because, simply engaging in 'some' cardio exercises or doing ‘some’ puzzles won't bring about a massive change.

More is simply needed if you truly want to overcome your symptoms.

That's why I invested $10k in a comprehensive treatment that brought significant results.

As a result, I launched this 3-month program to guide you through intervals and cognitive exercises in the most beneficial way to reduce your concussion symptoms.

This way, you won't need to spend $10k as I did.

Click here to learn more about the 3-month program and how it has helped over 500 other concussion survivors.

Improvements I felt after doing the interval training and cognitive exercises for months:

✔️ It reduced the brain fog and the pressure on my head, I can think more clearly, and I have moments where I feel a bit like the old me.

✔️ It gave me an energy boost. I get more energy during the day and don’t need to nap anymore.

✔️ My mood is better. I am more optimistic about everything, especially my healing journey, resulting in a more positive mindset and feeling less emotional all the time. Bye-bye, negative spiral!

✔️ I feel less stressed. It feels like this is not slowing down my recovery anymore.

✔️It has a positive effect on my headaches.

✔️It improved my sleep. I sleep deeper, and falling asleep is easier. Waking up isn’t that hard anymore

✔️ New pathways will be created and I notice I was slowly getting better at concentrating and doing cognitive tasks.

✔️ I can exercise again (finally!), and it feels like I am finally moving forward.

✔️ My hope and motivation are back, I feel more motivated than ever in my recovery.

3. My green smoothie does reduce fatigue after a concussion

Every day (well almost every day), I start my day by drinking my smoothie. I started doing this two years ago. Someone gave me that tip. I was a bit skeptical about it, what difference could it make for my concussion symptoms?

But I had nothing to lose, right? So, I bought all the ingredients and started drinking this smoothie. In the first few days, I had a few detox symptoms like a floating belly. I thought that was great because it was doing something! I continued drinking and after a week, I felt the biggest difference.

My fatigue symptoms weren’t that bad anymore, I had more energy (constant energy level), my skin started to get better (after my accident I had a lot of acne). I felt really empowered!

What do you need? What are the ingredients?

The only thing you need is a blender. The best is to have one that can crush ice, but it’s not necessary. Just put all the ingredients below into the blender and start mixing!

- 1/2 banana - 1 teaspoon cacao - 1 teaspoon maca powder - Handful of spinach - A little bit of kale - Few slices of cucumber - 1/2 avocado - Celery - Small piece of fresh ginger (helps with nauseousness) - 1 tablespoon of flaxseeds - 1 teaspoon chia seeds - 1 teaspoon hemp seeds - 1 scoop sugar-free pea protein powder

If you don’t want to buy all the different ingredients that’s okay! Try to make it easy, you can be creative and experiment yourself!

Let me share with you 2 more last tips which are also helping to reduce my fatigue:

  1. Matcha powder: This is something new I added to my diet and I can feel the benefits already. It’s a superfood and has a lot of benefits: you feel calmer, your sleep is better, it gives more energy, it’s good for your immune system, better focus, improves heart health, and there are so many antioxidants in it (125x that of spinach!), feeling less overwhelming and many more! You can add a teaspoon to your smoothie, make a matcha latte or make matcha tea. It’s important to look at the quality of this powder as many of them aren’t that good. The ceremonial grade is the best one you can have. See the link to see which one I ordered.

  2. Dandelion tea: let’s stay in the superfood section. I recently started drinking this tea because it should be so beneficial for your brain in order to heal. I love the taste and it does feel healthy to drink this in the morning. Dandelion tea is helping to create new pathways in the brain, it’s reducing fatigue, and it supports brain health and metabolic function.

Do you have other ways to beat fatigue symptoms? I would love to hear about them!

Free online masterclass

fatigue symptoms after a concussion

Have you tried many things to reduce your symptoms?

But do you notice... It's not progressing as quickly as expected? Do you feel that much more is possible but that you've just hit a roadblock on how to best achieve it?

In my free online masterclass, I share the two proven and researched methods that allowed me to reduce my symptoms by 50% within three months and ultimately even by 90%. And this also applies to 500 other concussion survivors who have already applied these methods.


7 things that have helped me:


Download my free eBook to learn 

Fill in the form and you will receive it right away in your inbox:

✔️ to reduce my fatigue & brain fog

✔️ to have more energy
✔️ to improve my sleep
✔️to feel less stressed

✔️ to exercise again (finally!)
✔️ to have a better mood

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