How do you relax your brain after a concussion? My 5 Ways to Relax My Brain
Is it OK to exercise with a concussion? 2 reasons why interval training is so effective
Can concussions affect relationships? - My experience with losing friends after a brain injury
Relationships after traumatic brain injury. What is the social impact of a concussion? My experience
Is exercise good for post-concussion syndrome? My experience + How a 16-week exercise plan helped me
What is it like to have post-concussion syndrome?
“My body urges for action” - “Plugged into an electric socket” - 4 ways to release this feeling
2 inspirational comments from 2 members of The Concussion Community- Concussion support
My post-concussion syndrome years later - My concussion healing timeline
Losing hope - Changing THIS, gave me the ability to control my concussion mood swings
Anxiety after concussion - 4 questions I ask myself to reduce my anxious thoughts
Pushing myself can go 2 ways: getting more confidence or getting a setback - Concussion Blog
My three best ways to beat fatigue symptoms after I sustained my concussion
I went to Italy and got Covid. How did this affect my post-concussion Syndrome?
“Why aren’t you healed yet”? + 7 other questions that I tried to avoid during my concussion recovery
How to learn your limits while they seem different every day? Concussion rehabilitation
When I don’t talk about my concussion recovery, it feels like people forget about it.
Questions people asked about my concussion symptoms / whiplash injury and how I responded to them.
Most doctors didn’t believe or understand my concussion symptoms - What they said + 5 tips!
How to accept your concussion if you don’t want to? 7 things that helped me - brain injury symptoms