I purchased Loop Earplugs to reduce anxiety and overwhelm - My Review
When wellness gives you stress it's not wellness anymore - Concussion Recovery
4 neck exercises to reduce neck pain, headaches and fatigue after a concussion
How to recover from a concussion faster - 6 things that helped me
My experience with two sessions of EMDR Therapy - Letting go of trauma after a concussion
These 6 natural home remedies for post-concussion syndrome are helping me
From panic attacks and anxiety to new improvements! Even after 6 years of concussion recovery
9 mindf*ck exercises for TBI panic attacks, they quickly help within seconds.
Are you bored at home but need brain rest after a concussion? 9 activities I filled my days with
18 things I purchased that are helping me! What to do for a concussion at home?
Not getting financial assistance after a traumatic brain injury - How I navigated that period
Living with someone with a brain injury - 7 lessons I learned to make it easier
Why self-love is key in concussion recovery - 7 ways to practice
Feeling pressure of the outside world to heal from a concussion
All the signs and symptoms of concussion I felt, broken down by years. What did I do to improve?
I tried a new treatment: PDTR Therapy. How it helped me to reduce concussion symptoms - my Review
My doctor told me: this is it, I have to live with my post-concussion symptoms
How long does a concussion last?
Can a concussion affect your emotions? Crying after concussion
8 Things I Needed To Let Go To Move Forward In My Concussion Recovery